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Homoeopathy is a dynamic, holistic and scientific System of constitutional medicine originated in 1796 by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann more than 200 years ago.It is based on Similia Similibus Curentur i.e. "The Law of Similars".
The system of homoeopathy treats the man in disease by stimulating and raising the body's natural defensive system enabling it to fight against all kind of diseases. It is the art and science of treating the diseased individual by the safest and gentle method.
We, at Dr. Nayak's HomoeoTreat, strive towards understanding the individual as per ones physical and mental state of health with the means of application of Genetics,Embryology and Homoeopathic Medicine, thus directing them to the path From Treatment to Cure. We aim not only to treat the patient but optimally bring satisfaction to his mind and natural smile on his face.